Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Summer's Gone

Well, the calendar says so, anyway. You'd never know it from the balmy temps and green leaves hanging around (not that I'm ready to rake, mind you). The last week of vegetables has come and gone, and I'm sad. If you've not been following along, people, we had a CSA subscription this year through Farm to City. Each week a box of vegetables from an organic, Amish-owned and run farm west of Philadelphia went to good use in our kitchen. Greens and tomatoes still make up half of our freezer contents, but I'll bet that'll only last us until the new year. In the fridge, I still have an eggplant, two spaghetti and one acorn squash, a few green bell peppers, lots of jalapenos, carrots, and radishes, and two heads of bok choi. Oh, and a wonderfuly huge head of celery. Our cupboard is overflowing with red and Yukon Gold potatoes. So, there is still plenty to enjoy. I made leek and potato soup tonight and froze half. Which reminds me there is still some ratatouille frozen. I will miss, miss, miss those veggies. If I'd had a moment several months ago, I would've planted some fall crops out back so we could keep getting some green onions, brocolli, and salad greens, but there was neither time nor inclination, most days. The drought would've killed my seedlings anyway, and our dog R (aka "broccoli breath") would've done away with the grown veggies before we could eat them all, most likely.

With the change in seasons comes a change in marketing, in menus, and in cooking methods. I can't say I am sad about that. There is a can of pumpkin sitting at the back of the cupboard, its soft orange whispers growing a little louder each day. One day soon: toasted pumpkin-pecan bread with butter = a slice of heaven.

1 comment:

Mary Louisa said...

Supper's at around 6:00 tonight. Can you make it?