Saturday, October 20, 2007

Delaware Lights up the Night

...with its ongoing releases of toxic substances!
This time, it's the historically troubled Valero gas refinery in Delaware City, now owned by Premcor. Look everyone, a new leak! Well, if by "new" you mean it possibly started in 2004. At the latest.

I'll just run'n see how many miles, as the crow flies, the refinery is from my house.
*sound of scurrying mice feet*
Looks to be about 18 or 19 miles.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Do I HAVE to?

I'm not reading as much as I used to. And it's mostly because I feel like reading has become an aspect of my part-time work--freelance editing--rather than a recreational activity. When I'm thick into a fiction job, my desire to read fiction dwindles. Naturally then, I start watching more movies and searching out clever point and click adventure games on the webz. When I have a memoir to edit, the nonfiction on the stack is the least enticing.

The sad part is that when I do have a lovely book on my lap just for me, like In the Woods that I recently scored from the library's waiting list, I can't bring myself to finish it because...I should be reading something more relevant to my work. How stupid is that?

Anyone else have periods where they see recreation as a "should"?