Monday, May 02, 2005


I'm trying to get healthier and trim a little tub. My husband is trying to do the same and avoid his hereditary destiny of diverticulitis, heart disease, and diabetes. And it turns out the boy (22 months old) has eczema, has had eczema since he was a few months old. So, I wonder if an appropriate diet could be found for him. The nurse at the pediatrician's office suggested we cut out citrus/acid foods. Already done that, except for tomatoes. We will try that first, I suppose. Then she suggested we try to go wheat-free for two weeks and see if his symptoms subside. This is probably a good idea. I have read on the internet (bwah-ha-ha-ha) that some symptoms of wheat allergy/sensitivity are allergic rhinitis and eczema. But then again, all toddlers in daycare have some degree of runny nose and post-nasal drip like N, and plenty of them have eczema.

Long story short (gotta work on why I'm always saying that): we are going to look into a macrobiotic diet, modified so I can keep breastfeeding with gusto. For now, I'm just going to keep a food journal for N so I can correlate his diaper rashes, eczema outbreaks, and runny noses with his diet. Before we get with the macrobiotics, I need to find out if I absolutely have to eat what are politely called "sea vegetables."

We are subscribing to a CSA again this summer, the one we tried three summers ago. The supplying farm is certified organic, run by a wonderful Amish family in the Lancaster, PA area. So, I will have many organic vegetables, fruits, eggs, and dairy products at my disposal beginning in late May.

Herewith begins another project for Mary Louisa: the education of a macrobiot.

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